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Robin Bain
Robin Irving Bain born 25 November 1935
Some subscribe to the theory that Robin Bain murdered his wife, two daughters and son Stephen, before
taking his own life. Others reject this suggestion, as have police, the courts and James McNeish in his book
'The Mask of Sanity.'

At the time of his death Robin Bain was headmaster of Taieri Beach School, a township south of Dunedin. Friends describe him as a good father who had also been devoted to his wife Margaret, although at the time of the tragedies the couple was experiencing marital problems. It is said he maintained as much of his fatherly role as he was able to within his marital circumstances, evident in his financial contributions, the work he did
around the property and his association with his children.

Robin was described as an educated and talented man who displayed a deep love of imparting his knowledge and enjoyment of life to others, sometimes ahead of his family’s needs.

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 Robin Bain Portrait 

 Robin Bain Portrait 

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